How To Update Windows 8 To 8 1 In Sony Vaio Laptop

This download is only for use with the following sony vaio computers.
How to update windows 8 to 8 1 in sony vaio laptop. If your pc is supported you will need to upgrade to windows 8 before updating to windows 8 1. Vaio update windows 8 1 64bit download. The upgrade process consists of two stages. At the finish screen click finish.
Open the microsoft store app then download and install the windows 8 1 upgrade. At the license agreement dialog read the agreement then if you agree click i agree to continue with the installation. At the the system will restart. Do not install this utility with any other model of computer including other sony computers sold worldwide.
Follow the windows 8 upgrade instructions for vaio pcs. Are you sure you want to update the vaio firmware. The computer will automatically shutdown when the bios update is complete. During the installation of this update be sure that you are.
After the upgrade to windows 8 1 is complete restart the computer open vaio update again and download and install all available vaio updates. Windows 8 1 update limitations click here for the list of applications and functions that may not work as usual upon installation of windows 8 1. Extraction of windows 8 1 upgrade files and copying of these files. At the vaio update ver.
Click here for the list of applications that may not function as usual or will be removed upon installation of windows 10 and using the vaio update for windows 10 upgrade tool. The installation of the vaio update software for windows 8 upgrade is complete.