I Joist Wood I Beam Span Table

Available depths and lengths.
I joist wood i beam span table. The wide flange helps reduce vibration creating a firmer feeling floor. Engineered wood products ewp span and size charts for bci joists. Bci joists are specially constructed i joists with flanges made from strong versa lam laminated veneer lumber with oriented stranded board webs and approved waterproof structural adhesives providing outstanding strength and durability. You can also use the wood beam calculator from the american wood council website to determine maximum rafter and joist lengths.
Span tables for joists and rafters 3 american wood council table 9 1 required compression perpendicular to grain design values f c in pounds per square inch for simple span joists and rafters with uniform load. Use the span tables below to determine allowable lengths of joists and rafters based on size and standard design loads. Wood i beam joists are produced at a lower mois ture content thereby minimizing the effects of shrinking twisting and warping. In contrast wood i beam joists are more stable by design.
Apa performance rated i joists pris are manufactured in accordance with pri 400 performance standard for apa ews i joists form x720 this performance standard provides an easy to use table of allowable spans for applications in residential floor construction allowing designers and builders to select and use i joists from various member manufacturers using just one set of span.